Imagine killing it in the gym, pushing it through the prowler, swinging a kettle bell, pounding through a metabolic workout and not being able to guzzle down some agua!? You're sweating it out and all you can do is swish around some water in your mouth and spit it out to play tricks on your brain that you're actually drinking it. That's what you call GOT GRIT!! Mind over matter baby.
From Monday through Thursday, I followed Green Faces Phase 1 which consisted of only proteins and vegetables. However, sodium was the minor detail I had to pay attention to. From the Thursday to Monday before peaking, I consumed foods with high sodium, Monday - Low Sodium, Tuesday - No Added Sodium, Wednesday - NO Sodium and no salt added to my food whatsoever. Everything had to be boiled to remove salt. (Yes, I said boiled... meaning everything was VERY bland.) Thursday is the same as Wednesday and Friday is also no sodium, but this is where I began to eat carbs.
During the first part of the week I felt bloated from all the water loading. I dropped 3-4 pounds in 2 days down to 126lbs. I felt so light with no sodium or carbs, but my body looked flat. Once Friday hit and I began consuming carbohydrates, I finally started to see visual changes to my body. My carb loading meals consisted of: Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Oatmeal, Apples, Blueberries, Rice Cakes and Almond Butter. Yams with cinnamon and rice cakes with almond butter were like heaven to me. (Matter of fact, they STILL ARE!) As the day progressed, I examined my body every time I ate a carb and I began seeing my muscles emerge from under the skin.
The night before the show, it is important to get enough sleep and rest, but of course... that didn't happen for me. It was time to get tan which I was not a big fan of, but the dark tan looks good on stage. Thankfully, I had my best friend Diana to help lather the cream on. I felt like I looked like a Oompa Loompa from Willie Wonka. See the picture below for yourself. (Sing along if you feel like... "Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo...")

Diana and I came prepared (as always) with our lunchbox of food, hair done, nails done, make up done, everything did. All that was left: minor primping and time to relax before hitting the stage for pre-judging. I ate another almond buttered rice cake, mingled with the ladies, and took some pictures with my girls Diana and Erin who competed in Fitness. I wasn't really nervous, I was more so thirsty as hell and I wanted to dive into the bowl of chocolates displayed 6 feet in front of me, but I knew I would be devouring everything I could later that evening after the show.
Therefore, I took advantage of some relaxation and posted up on the ground. Do you see the heels we had to wear? I mean, they are comfortable... but not forever. Plus, laying on the ground with your legs up actually helps decrease the bloating that occurs from standing in heels too long. (I hope you are taking notes.) That's what (me) a rookie learned from a figure fitness pro. (Thank you to the nice lady in the red suit.)
10 A.M. came and went like a blink of an eye. All of the sudden your walking on stage, flexing everything you have, smiling like you have Vaseline on your teeth and struttn' what your momma gave ya and then some. Truth be told, the stage is a place where I am actually comfortable in. I get butterflies but they vanish fairly quickly. It's mostly an adrenaline rush I feed off of. I was there to show these judges how hard I worked and so I charmed them the best way I could. Smile. Pose. Smile. Strut. Smile. Kill it. Done. Whip that hair. (Totally kidding on 'Whip that hair.")

I could hear my trainer Luka and Vigor Vixens Pam and Rebekah in the audience cheering for me. All I could do was giggle inside and smile. I am truly grateful for my friends and family who supported and pushing me during my six weeks of crazyness. You know who you are!
In a Nutshell, the 2011 NPC Washington State Open Bikini Competition was an experience I will always remember!