Monday, July 25, 2011


People often use the phrase, "Milk does a body GOOD." But, this week I'm using the phrase, "H20 does a body GOOD." Never in my life did I ever think I would be able to consume THREE gallons of water a day. You may not think it is humanly possible, but for the past three days, I have consumed a total of 9 GALLONS OF WATER! 

Yep. NINE full Gallons of water. I peed every 20 minutes the non-color of crystal clear and woke up every two hours due to the bladder knockn' on toilets door. 

Why so much water? Gotta flush out the system and if you haven't been reading... this Saturday, I am competing in the 2011 NPC Washington State Open BodyBuilding, Fitness, Bikini & Physique Championship. This is the first time I will be prancing around strutn' my half naked self in front of hundreds of people.  

I am always up for a challenge, so I took this competition by the horns! I've been training like an athlete, eating crazy super clean and I even walked around Walmart on Sunday with a gallon of water, to stalk up on... well ya know, MORE WATER! Then, when I arrived at work Monday morning, my coworkers surprised me with more water for my birthday. Hence, in the photo above - the display of 8 gallons of H20! 

I have to say that this past week has been a challenge but fun adventure. I started off my Saturday with a pre-celebration of my 27 years of life by gettin' muddy and dirty at the Warrior Dash in North Bend, WA. I finished the filthy 5k in 43:30. Not as fast as I wanted and I probably would have finished a lot faster if I didn't fall so much in the mud... ON MY FACE! It was totally worth it! 

The best part about this experience? Running like a WARRIOR over cars, tires and lots of MUD! The grossest part was riding the bus back to my car and sitting in someone else's mud. Smelly. Gross. I should have taken a picture. 

On another note: Do you know how hard it is to take off muddy shoes? Take a look above. The mud literally suctioned onto my feet like cement. Needless to say, I had to say goodbye to my NIKE's and my Dri-Fit socks. Overall, I will take on this challenge next year and beat my time! 

Stay Tuned for Part II of 'Bikini Warrior' as I will be sharing the rest of this week's preparation leading up to Saturday's big EVENT! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back To Green I Go...

I'm no HULK and it would be really cool if I was referring to Green Apples or Green M&M's...maybe even Green Pears? But no... I am back on my Green Faces Diet: Phase I. This means the only foods I am and will be consuming for the next couple weeks are green vegetables and only foods that have a face (hello protein!). If you've been keeping up with my blogs, I did this same diet about 6 weeks ago and saw some amazing results, dropping 5lbs and 5% body fat! 

This time it is a little bit easier and my mood swings aren't devilish like before. (hehe) I am hungry all of the time as usual. I can out eat my dad with any steak dinner and I drink more water than your four legged best friend. Good news: I cut out coffee completely! YAY! That was hard. The smell of it is still intoxicating. At least I wasn't super addicted--otherwise those caffeine headaches would be killing me right now. After July 23rd, a Coffee Break will be in full effect. 

My workouts are still intense and I've been feeling the after-math once I reach the end of the day. I pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow. I wake up every morning at 5am, well more so my bladder wakes me up. That's what happens when you drink 2 gallons of water a day. Despite my crazy hormonal roller-coaster ride, I've dropped down to 129.7lbs. I've noticed the difference in how my body feels when I am eating carbs and when I'm not. My weight constantly fluctuates depending on TOM (Time of the Month, if you didn't know) and how much water I've drank that day. Let me tell you that my body has a mind of it's own. 

This week I have not been successful with my two-a-day workouts, but I plan to pick that back up next week while I house sit. My coworker has an awesome gym in her condo where I can do my cardio intervals in the morning before work. Her place is my sacred thinking temple because the city view from her condo is absolutely amazing. Perhaps I'll post a blog from the view next week and share a photo. :)

The bikini competition is in t-minus 15 days! My swimsuit should arrive any day now. I'll be posting pictures soon for you all to see. All I am going to say is... I am not a fan of those clear platforms. It's time to practice my walk and poses...!

Until my next post, I'll be eatin' my greens!