Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 3... And I feel CLEAN!

I know, it's only Day 3 of my 'Green Faces Diet,' but I feel great! However, I must give some credit to the weather today and the drive into work because Michael Jackson, "P.Y.T." put me in such a euphoric mood. The first two days have been challenging, as I've been more tired than normal at the end of the day, I've been yawning during my workouts (Sorry Luka!) and I've been feeling nauseated after my workouts. But, I know my body will be more adapted to this diet in days to come. 

So how long am I doing this 'Green Faces Diet?' Right now, I am doing 'Phase 1' which lasts 21 days, and or three weeks. During Phase 1, I am only allowed to eat lean proteins and green vegetables which helps drop body fat quickly, clean up my nutrition and help break those bad habits and or issues I have with food. (i.e. COOKIES and CEREAL! Yes, Total Cereal is still NOT good for you.) I'm eating FIVE meals a day, (Yes, that's a high-FIVE, like the old skool R&B group) and I've been doing my best to eat a wide variety of foods from the list below. 

PROTEINS (Must have one at every meal)
Any Fish - Beef - Bacon - Chicken - Cod - Cornish - Game -Hen - Duck - Eggs - Flounder - Fowl - Goose - Halibut - Ham - Kidney - Liver - Lamb - Pork Chop/Lean Pork - Salmon - Shellfish (Shrimp, Crab, Lobster) - Spare Rib - Tuna - Turkey - Veal - Whey Protein Shake (No Carbs) - Wild Game

Artichoke - Asparagus - Broccoli - Brussel Sprouts - Cabbage - Cauliflower - Cerely - Collard Greens - Cucumber - Eggplant - Green Beans - Green Beet - Green Peppers - Leafy Greens - Mushrooms - Onions (Green & White) - Peas - Romaine Lettuce - Spinach - Squash - Tomato - Zucchini 

FATS! (Use Freely)
Almond Oil - Coconut Oil - Flax Oil - Olive Oil - Peanut Oil - Sesame Oil - Sunflower Oil - Walnut Oil

So there you have it. For 21 days it's not that bad right? After I make it through these next three weeks, it's onto Phase II, which I will explain as I get closer to day 21. 

Until then... please note this one simple rule to follow: 
"If your ancestors 10,000 years ago didn't eat it, you should not eat it either!"


  1. You're going to have to explain these oils that you can "use freely" LOL...all I can picture is you pouring them on your meat and veggies!

  2. OMG. I've never said this before, but: YOU GO GIRL! LOL. Seriously, I couldn't do this diet. Kick butt! Keep us all posted!!

  3. I started to research the GF diet. interesting. I might have to incorporate this to my Gracie Diet for a couple of weeks to shed the last few pounds. are you doing the peri-workout carbing since you are lean to begin with? keep us updated
